Sunday, June 3, 2012

OMG a Vacay...

I know once I get back to Baltimore, life will return to it's usual craziness in short order, so I figured I'd get a post in while I could.

Yeah, so if things don't pan out with this one job, I'll be moving here early next year.  And even if things go well with that job, I'm moving here after I'm done. 
I have not been this "at ease" in a long, long time.  And seriously...I know they are family but after knowing me in person only a few hours, they are opening up their homes to me to stay?  Not to mention how excited they all are that I want to come out here to work.. Unbelievable how different things are out here.

The crew from HCMC seemed to agree as well.  It's funny to meet a paramedic that actually enjoys their job.  Oh wait, not just one, but the FOUR that I rode with plus numerous other medics that I encountered there.  The toys they have are nice, but it's funny when they look at the MD protocols and say "that's it?"
I would talk about the calls I ran, but if you want to know details, I'll be happy to share what little I can in person.  Actually had a first for me on my ride along...amazing lol.

Sara's wedding?  Short and sweet.  She was such a beautiful bride!! I'm so happy she found a guy as awesome as Jake. My cousins couldn't get me on the dance floor for the bouquet toss, but they got me out to dance (thanks Jade and Jen!).  And aunt took care of catching the bouquet anyway! :)

Had a great talk with my cousin Dan.  My cousins are really more like brothers and sisters to me.  I realize that now after spending the weekend with them.  And Sara-I totally understand how you would be nervous with your uncles meeting Jake...I mean, if I had two uncles that were the size of linebackers, I'd be a little worried too.  But wait, I have two cousins the size of linebackers, so I think my dating life in the midwest would be A-OK :)

I'll be back to Minnesota for my cousin Maddi's 21st in September.  Also hopefully get another ride along and maybe an interview or two in while I can.  This place is gorgeous...heavenly.  I know the winters are rough and the summers...well I was told "DEET will be your friend"...nuff said.

I can honestly say I don't want to leave.  If I didn't have class on Monday, I wouldn't be going back east.  My cousins have all offered me a place to stay and help getting settled, as well as working their connections to help me get a job out here.  Really?  Who would turn this down?

My cousins...amazing.  I love each and every one of you!! In these few days I have realized how important family is.  Even if we had only been Facebook friends before, we are definitely closer now.  I know I would never be alone when I come out here.

Anyways, I have an early flight.  Got plenty to get to once I get back to Baltimore.  Notice how I didn't say "once I get home?"  Yeah....

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