Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Hallmark Holiday!

I was going to post a status on FB, but there is way too much to say about this.

Valentine's Day...dreaded by many, loved by few.  I gotta say...I was never really a fan of Valentine's Day.  Until I was in a long relationship.  Then I learned to hate it once again.  I usually schedule myself to work on said holiday...occasionally I will take off to hang out with friends (Katie and I had a blast last year), but for the most part, I'd rather work than get my hopes up.  If you're thinking "Man this is sad"...don't.  If you haven't figured out by now that I am a pessimist, you need to review a few blogs.

Ladies...if this holiday is important to you, tell your man.  Write it on the calendar.  Leave a post-it note on his 12 pack of beer.  Tell him straight up, "Honey, I want to do something for Valentine's Day." Most guys are dense.  They will not pick up on the slight hints.  If you want flowers, make sure he knows your favorite kind (or whatever kind will do).  Forward him deals on Valentine's bouquets.  Print out/cut out ads for jewelry.  Tell him your favorite restaurant is having a Valentine's dinner special.  We expect a lot out of them, and honestly...they're guys.  Some of the older ones get it...the younger ones need a lil extra prodding.

Gents...if your girl hints about Valentine's Day, does any of the above things...DO IT (if it is within your means).  If you can't...explain to your girl ahead of time that it's a little hard for you to do something but definitely make it up to her in some other way.  Homemade things are awesome.  A card is's like pulling teeth to get a guy down the card aisle before/on Valentine's Day but seriously dudes...picking out the right card and a simple rose works if you can't afford an expensive dinner/overpriced bouquet/fancy jewelry.  When we say it's the thought that counts...unless she's a total bitch it's true.

Girls...if he remembers your birthday, fantastic.  If he remembers your thankful.  This is just another day out of the year.  If he forgets or doesn't do's really not the end of the world.  If you had expectations, got your hopes up but didn't express it...well, I hate to say it's your own fault but I will.  I've been there...and yes, it was my fault I didn't express my opinion about that holiday.  At the time, yes I was pissed.  But really...looking wasn't that big of a deal.  I didn't let him know that I wanted anything special.  In the future I did and worked!!  Even got my favorite flowers once or twice.  It's amazing what a little extra work on our part can do.  And don't forget to reciprocate...for example, if you two can't afford a big celebration and he gets you a nice card/flowers/ about a nice home-cooked meal (or decent takeout if your kitchen timer is the smoke detector)?  We can't expect everything from them.  Just remember...this is a commercial holiday created to boost card sales in the middle of the fiscal year.

So if you're in a committed relationship, I hope you have a fantastic Valentine's Day.  If it fails, take the above into consideration for future V-days.  If you're single...have fun!!  Get together with other single friends, get a bottle of wine, pints of ice cream...whatever!  Just ain't gonna last forever.  Enjoy a little bit of freedom and not having to stress over failing this holiday.

And with that, I bid you adieu. 

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