Monday, January 16, 2012


Last post deleted.

Why?  You people feed on the drama and try to start shit.

Me?  I'm trying to do something not only to make myself feel better and start my healing process after dealing with the abuse and increase awareness for people that may be in the same or similar situations, and people that aren't even on my friends list blow it out of proportion.

As he would say, that's just me being selfish again, and if it's not important to Steph it's not worth her concern.

That's what I get, and that's what I deserve.  Losing.

I'm done with this bullshit.  I was trying to help others and hoping he would get the help he needs...and yes, I did it to start to make myself feel better, but I'm told it was cold hearted and bitchy.

You haven't seen anything yet.


  1. who the fuck started shit with you? Given what I read in that last post, you have every damn right to post (btw, ANONYMOUSLY, you didn't use any names!) what you felt in YOUR blog. It was an emotional/traumatic (?) experience for you and you wanted to share it with your friends so that they may avoid getting caught in the same situation and maybe even making sure they don't get hurt worse due to that situation.

    You might just need to disconnect your blog from Facebook...but that's the way I currently come on here to read it, so I'll have to see if I can link up to it some other way if you do that. Sorry people started shit with you, but in my opinion, don't feel like you need to back down.

  2. I was told that it's my fault because I posted it in a public forum, and people are starting shit...people that aren't even on my friends list have been talking about it.

    I said in my facebook comment that I was broken not dead...definitely feel helpless again at this point. I know I didn't use names but the people knew who it referred to.

    And I was told it was cold-hearted and bitchy and basically attacking him. Whatever. I've got nothing left to fight with. He is holding things over my head and against me, threatening to release them if I say or do anything against him, so I give up. I'm done.

  3. Again though...No names were used! I guess one could connect the dots, but to be honest, I already forgot the guy's name who would most likely be "Guy referenced in previous post". So again, why the hell does it matter?

    Like I said, sorry you have to deal with this shit. But I think you should feel free to speak your piece about what you feel happened to you. You are not doing anything to mudsling or create drama or problems for the person, you just feel a need to express your story.

  4. That's the thing...he says I'm "badmouthing" him and "destroying his name" in the Baltimore County Fire Department...
    ...maybe he should have thought twice before he yelled at me in front of a county EMS lieutenant, a state delegate and assistant to one of the county councilmen...the assistant heard the yelling and saw the controlling many times...

    I supposed it shouldn't matter, but as I said before, he is holding things over my head. I don't know what to do about it...from what I've been told there is nothing I can do.

    I'm just trying to get through this. I'm not a says I am but I refuse to use that. In reading the article I you know how much it felt like I got kicked in the gut? Like I had the wind knocked out of me? So much of that rang hit me so hard, like it was happening all over again. I had never thought of it that way. I didn't want to. Maybe I was denying it, and everyone around me saw the truth.
    As I said...what I would give to have those four months back, but I can't. This definitely changed me as a person. I said before that I'm stronger because of it, but it seems like with people giving me shit about it, I just keep wearing down. It stops now.

    1. Whatever, you're awesome, strong, and deserve better. Screw everyone else.

    2. Thanks's been a long time. I'm glad to see you're happy now :)
