Thursday, November 17, 2011

This has to be said...

Alright, now you all know that Chris and I ended our relationship.  This happened around the middle of October.  I have some things I need to say to clear the air and clear up any misconceptions about either party.

Anything I said in regards to Chris and I arguing or him yelling at me was a lie.  Such events never took place.  I only spoke of them to make myself look better in the relationship when I was failing to be a good girlfriend.  He did not yell.  We did not waste time with arguments.  They never happened, and I'm sorry to anyone that may have heard these lies from myself or someone else.  It was wrong of me to "air our dirty laundry," even though it was, in fact, a fallacy.  He did many wonderful things for me, took me on short getaways and even sent and brought me things at work, just to show he was grateful and thinking about me.  I did no such things for him. I never really appreciated anything he did for me, and I did nothing to show him how much I cared.  The relationship ended because I did not have time to put forth the effort to make this work...or, more accurately, I could not manage my time well enough to make the relationship work, and I took him for granted.  I should have learned my lesson by now, given the fact that I have destroyed three relationships in a year.  And, in doing so, I have destroyed three wonderful men as well.  I am deeply, truly sorry for that.  I know nothing I can say or do can fix the damage I have done, and this is by no means meant to attempt that.  This is just me, in front of you, apologizing for the lies and trying to clear the good name of a wonderful person and a fantastic paramedic.  Thank you all for your time and patience with me on this matter. 

Again, I am extremely sorry for the false information I provided, and for any pain I may have caused anyone as a result.

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