Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A notice...

So I was so excited two days ago when I thought that guy I had dated was finally leaving me alone.  We're not friends on FB anymore, so Chris, if you are reading this...this is for you:
-MY dad made it out of surgery well.  Thanks for asking.
-I passed my pharm exam.
-Congrats on passing rescue tech.
-No we cannot ride soon.  We are not going to ride anytime...ever...again.  Sure, I know you had a lot of fun riding with me and consider me a great EMT but really...with how you speak of other providers (whether it is true or not) don't have respect for most of the people you work with.

I'm going out and having fun.  I'm spending time with my friends. I don't really go to the bar, well, let's just give credit to get punished every time you go to the bar with a friend, you don't want to go to the bar anymore.  I know you said you ended it with your new girlfriend because she was trying to control who you were friends with...wait, what?  Does that sound familiar?  A significant other making their partner choose between them and their friends?  Obviously you missed that one.  I cannot count the number of times you made me choose between you and my friends.  The majority of the time I was a fool and chose you.  And those times I actually went and hung out with my friends?  Do you remember the night I went to the bar with my friend, my phone was dead from you texting me all day, and you drove past my house, the bar, the firehouse and then to my house again looking for me?  And when you came in, how you were so furious with me you were shaking?  I went out for a few hours, had a couple of drinks and caught up with my friend, and because you could not reach me you tried to hunt me down then exploded.  How about the time when I didn't text you when I left work, when I got to the bar, when I left, when I got home and then proceeded to yell at me on the phone for three hours??  Do you remember that?

I know you have said that you made a lot of mistakes with our relationship.  My biggest mistake?  Not walking away the first time you yelled at me.  You have no idea how broken, beaten down, destroyed I felt after dating you...but now I realize how much stronger of a person I am because of it.  I'm not taking any bullshit.  Not from anyone else, and certainly not from you.  I know you are "turning over a new leaf" and trying to be nice now, but I want no part of it.  I wish you luck, honestly, from the bottom of my heart, with your future endeavors.  I know you said I have destroyed you...think whatever you want to make yourself feel better and have people take pity on you. 

Leave me alone.  I have not moved on to another relationship, but I have moved on from you.  I should have a long time ago, but after two failed relationships in a year I thought I deserved it all.  I didn't deserve a single minute of it.  As you said..."Think Steph.  After three relationships ending in a year, did you ever think that it wasn't the other person that was the problem...that maybe it was you?"  Yeah, I did stop and think.  I thought long and hard about it, and yes, I was the problem.  I sat there and took bullshit from you.  I had bigger dreams than Flounder did.  And I didn't appreciate Jon.  I know what I did.  I know what my problems were.  I am conscious and aware of all of my mistakes, and I WILL NOT repeat them.  I am a different person now.  That person...doesn't exist anymore.

In no way do I want to make him seem like a bad person...I'm simply telling the truth about what transpired.  That chapter of my life is over.  The same thing with the others...I have closed the book on them, and I have moved on.  Honestly, I haven't been this happy in a long time.  I know the person I am, and I am quite proud of the person I have become.  I like me.  Like I said, I'm not changing a thing about myself.  Sure, I'm making healthier choices as far as foods and friends go, but really...I am me.  And yes, I am pretty awesome :)

Gripes, bitches, complaints...take them elsewhere.  Compliments...welcome :)


  1. or him?
    If it's me, see last line of blog above.

  2. I guess you are not settling down on life anytime soon,

  3. What do you mean by that? Until I finish this class, life won't slow down at all. If you mean relationships...haha well...yeah read above. That's what I just got done dealing with. If someone can actually be caring and understanding...I don't have to be the most important thing in his life. Just more than an afterthought.

  4. For real mother fucker? Keep it up buddy, I'm home in March...

  5. I'm not going to say that I can't handle myself, but it is nice to see you post that here. :) if your comment is related to the things he said and don't know the half of it. I didn't want to tell you because a) you are halfway around the world and b) we had enough going on here with dad being sick time and time again I didn't want you to worry about me in addition to it all. You know I will be ok. If I had the time, I would pick up krav maga, but I really only have 1-2 days a week to dedicate to it. Let me know your thoughts on that...

  6. After doing Krav Maga/Brazilian Jujitsu for 18 months I really recommend it, see how much contact is involved and if they have any "special" classes for public servants. Because of my "line of work" I got into a special class but it was full contact/full speed with little protective gear... One hell of a workout I'll tell you that much.

    Plus they focus on practical application and real world scenarios, good all around in my opinion.

  7. Even if can only do it maybe 1-2 nights a week? Right now I'm mostly free weekends. I need something on a regular basis to unwind and blow off steam. The gym gets boring, and you know I can't run. I'm also looking for the self-defense benefits, of course.
