Monday, December 5, 2011


So my ex used to say (all the time) that he was "winning like Charlie Sheen" or "winning before Charlie Sheen knew what it was"...ugh.
So bloody annoying.  If only...nevermind :)

So here's the winning part.  He finally is leaving me alone.  Rock on bitches, I'm free!!!
I love it.  I seriously have not felt this good in...well,  forever. 

Aside from that mess, I have lost a good friend...not by my doing, but it's his choice.  If he ever decides he wants to man up and be friends again, he knows where to find me.

I've hung out with a few new people over the last week.  All awesome in their own regard.  It's nice...shows me that there are still good people out there, and ones that can actually respect a female and not be after one thing and one thing only.  I've had such a great time with my new friends, and haven't smiled this much in so long.

Honestly, at the end of last week, it was like my world was crashing again for like the millionth time this year.  What happens when your world ends up in flames?  The Phoenix rises from the ashes.  Here I am, and I'm not going anywhere.

Next on the agenda?  Continuing to make more time for myself.  Sticking to my 90 day challenge, getting to the gym more often, starting to take walks around the neighborhood.  More "me" time, more time at home with the family.  More time for friends...and that's one thing...I have been a terrible friend!!  I have lost touch with so many of my friends, and I haven't been there when they needed me.  Well that changes now.  I know in a relationship you are supposed to put your significant other first, but when they dominate all of your time and you cannot keep in touch or hang out with your friends, this becomes a problem. 

So that's it...I have these white boards (and dry erase calendars) next to my mirror so I can keep track of my hectic life.  On one of these boards, I have written "putting yourself first is never being selfish" and "if you don't take care of yourself, who will?"  After I was called "the most selfish person" someone had ever met, I stopped doing things for myself and making my life the priority...and we see where that got me. 

With my new found freedom?  Well, hectic week aside, Saturday I'm seeing a friend I haven't hung out with since July.  We might even go it!  Sunday...birthday party for one of my kids (babysitting, not really spawn), then who knows what Sunday night.  Weekend after?  Work Friday, off Saturday and Sunday, looking for things to do (though if nothing is going on here, I may be home that weekend).  It's nice to plan things...haha, as they come :)

Feeling so much better than I have in a long, long time.  I'm not going to generate any expectations...I'm just truly enjoying the time I get to spend with people and taking each day as it comes. 

And though I may be doing the 90 day challenge, I'm not considering that a diet (I was asked today if I'm on a diet...I'm just being more sensible about a lot of things).  After thinking about it, though, I am on a diet.  A no-bullshit diet.

G'night folks.


  1. Haha, bullshit is off the menu! :)


  2. Hehe bullshit. I've had my fair share. I have never felt better...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. HAH!!! You are a psycho stalker!! Was I even talking about your boyfriend?? Jesus Christ...get a fucking life. The world doesn't revolve around you.
